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Enjoying Pineapples All Summer Long
July 01, 2024

Enjoying Pineapples All Summer Long


Summer is officially here. There are plenty of summer fruits we enjoy during this time of the year. So, we are going to spend some time on that topic this month.

Happy Summer!

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How to Pick a Pineapple?

Certain fruits are more special than the others in summer time, such as pineapples, watermelon and mangoes. But to many people, how to pick a good one is still a mystery. We are diving in the details of pineapples this time.

First of all, understand that the pineapples were shipped to the store warehouse raw. They were nowhere to be ripe enough to eat. The reason of doing that is to keep the shelf life of the fruit longer before it is actually put on the shelves. And when it is finally on the shelf, it will start ripening up.

However, some got ripened sooner than the other. Obviously if you see a yellow one, that’s a good sign.

But there are a few things you can determine whether it is ripe enough to eat. Because once you cut it up, it may be too late. There is no going back. Here are some tips:

1) Appearance matters. Other than the outside looks yellow, I always look at the bottom. If the bottom texture looks about the same as the rest of the entire pineapple, that’s great. But sometimes you will see some spots look dry or like moldy. Skip that pineapple and move on to the next one.

2) Green is still good. If the pineapple is green, it is perfectly fine as long as the outside all looks ok as mentioned above. So, what do you do with that green pineapple? I normally put it at the corner in the kitchen where it gets most of the sunshine or at the warmest area. It will fasten that ripening process. Every pineapple is different in its own right. Sometimes, it can take up to a week before it is ripe enough to cut it up.

3) Fragrance matters. You can smell it when a pineapple is ready.

Once your pineapple reaches to the point of fulfilling all the things mentioned above, you can cut it up and enjoy!

Fun Culture

It's More Than Just Pineapple in Chinese!!!

That’s the traditional Chinese writing of pineapple. There is an interesting slang used in Hong Kong which is totally not related to the fruit itself at all. Want to find out what exactly it is? Check out the subscriber exclusives.

(Click here for MORE Subscriber Exclusive Fun Culture and Recipes related to this newsletter)

Featuring Recipe

Pineapple Kielbasa

I must admit that I use a lot of canned pineapples for many recipes because of the convenience and its longer shelf life.

Of course, you can replace the canned one with the fresh one. But when you realize that the fresh pineapple is a bit too sour to eat, this will be the perfect recipe for it. The saltiness of the Kielbasa sausage will balance it out.

Get Recipe

Looking for More Dinner Ideas?

No matter if you are looking for meal plans to make dinner for your family or low-carb meals for your own sake, you can rely on these ebooks.

Easy Family Dinners Cookbook (former 21 Day Fix Meal Ideas) - This ebook is for planners. But you don't need to do them. I did them for you already. All you need is to shop, cook and enjoy with your family.

Low-Carb Chinese Food Recipes | Eat Chinese to Lose Weight - Who doesn't love Chinese food? These recipes make you feel GREAT and guilt-free.

Be Safe and Healthy

Let's wrap up this month with this Bible verse.

"But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded." ~ 2 Chronicles 15:7

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Until next month,

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