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New Year Resolutions | Tips to Make Any of Them Happen
January 03, 2022

New Year Resolutions

Dear Friends,

Hope you had a great holiday and a nice break to enjoy wonderful time with friends and families. Right after New Year, many of us tend to think of something for New Year resolution, such as weight loss. Honestly, I failed many times. But I also found a way to be successful. It helps me to stick to my plan. So, I am going to share the tips with you.

Before we start, I want to wish you all A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year!

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REMEMBER: There is a NEW subscriber exclusive session where you can learn more Chinese fun facts. If you love history or do business with China, you will find this info fun and helpful.

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Keep Your Resolutions Alive and Be Successful

What is (are) your New Year resolution(s)?

Is/are they related to food, such as making more homemade dinners, add more vegetables into your daily diet, try more different cuisines and so forth?

No matter what kind of goal(s) you set out for yourself, there are always temptations out there. Before you know it, you realized that you forgot your new year resolution and went back to what it used to be. Been there and done that.

One perfect example for myself was to lose weight and stick to a diet plan. I used to fail and feel guilty for the mistakes I made. Then, I gave up immediately. But I finally learned that if I fail, just get back on the train as soon as possible. Reward yourself often when you reached a small goal. I found that it works out very well.

Just remember: Never give up!

Share your new year resolution with me and let’s encourage each other to make it happen.

Fun Culture

New Year

Chinese time!!!

Well, you saw the meaning of those Chinese words above already. Let's break it down one by one.

Cantonese pronunciation - Sun Lin Dao Su

Mandarin pronunciation - Xin Nian Dai Shu

Starting from left to right, the first word means "new". The second one means "year". The third means "descending" and the last one means "counting".

Chinese do celebrate the Jan 1 New Year. However, the festivity, atmosphere and excitement is nowhere close to Chinese New Year's.

For those who celebrate, they may go to bars or some big shopping malls, like the Time Square, to do the countdown. But with Covid lock-down, many of them close for the day very early.

(Click here for MORE Subscriber Exclusive Fun Culture related to this newsletter)

Featuring Recipe

43 Low Carb Recipes to Start Your New Year Strong

Starting from something small if you want to lose weight in the New Year, a little bit of a time will add up to make you a success story.

Get Recipe

Product I Recommend

Big Skillet

One thing that I find helpful is by using a big skillet to prepare 4-5 days of low carb meal in one shot for my weight loss. If you want to make more homemade dinners, a big skillet can make plenty of one-pot meals, too. Buy It Now

Be Safe and Healthy

Let's end this month's newsletter with this Bible verse.

Proverbs 23:18 (NIV) "There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off."

Be hopeful and healthy for this New Prosperous Year!

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Until next month,

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