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National Garlic Month April 04, 2022 |
National Garlic MonthApril is National Garlic Month. I must say that I had never run into anyone telling me that he/she does not like garlic. I might run into someone that he/she likes garlic, but just need to decrease the amount of use. Whether you are the kind of person love to load up your garlic consumption every time when you have a chance or not, we are going to have a lot of great time exploring something fun about this ingredient. Happy Easter!
Your Exclusive Page PasswordPlease note that I have added a password to protect the exclusive page for you.Password: (You should have received it in your welcome email. If not, please email me with your email address that you used for signing up our newsletter. Thank you!) REMEMBER: There is a NEW subscriber exclusive session where you can learn more Chinese fun facts. If you love history or do business with China, you will find this info fun and helpful.
Tip/IdeaThe Most Convenient GarlicWho doesn’t like to cook with fresh ingredients? But if you are a busy parent, you know how precious it is to save a minute here and there. This applies to cooking, too. For several years now, I like the convenience of pre-chopped garlic in a jar. There are many brands out there. I try my best to stick to the one with all natural ingredients or with least chemical preservatives used. My favorite brand has only 3 ingredients which are garlic, water and citric acid. So, look out and take some time to find a good brand.
Fun CultureChinese Pickled GarlicDo you know pickled garlic are very popular among pregnant Chinese women? Because it helps to tame down the morning sickness. I have seen many done that. But I had never tried that during my pregnancy because, lucky me, I never had any morning sickness or craving during my pregnancy. I do admit that I L.O.V.E pickled garlic since I was a kid. I can easily finish half a jar all by myself. Now you know its efficiency. Next time when you hear any of your friends have morning sickness, maybe recommend her/them to try it. Learn more about pickled garlic in Chinese food culture. Check out the Subscriber Exclusives by clicking the link below.
Featuring Recipe13 Garlic Recipes for National Garlic MonthThese recipes allow you to adjust the quantity of garlic you want to use. If you prefer to be light on it, they are perfect for you. If you want to load it up, go for it.Product I RecommendJarred GarlicThis brand of jarred garlic has 3 simple ingredients which is the kind I use. Buy It Now Be Safe and HealthyLet's end this month's newsletter with this Bible verse.“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." ~ John 1:1-5
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